Heirs to the Throne by Mike Tinney


Hardcore Mode April 11-15, 2024

“Heirs to the Throne”

Raised as wards by the good king Kormmeyer the heirs of Newhope have finally come of age to reclaim their Duchy.

Fifteen years ago their parents, the council of Dukes, perished mysteriously at Worldpeak mountain, and the Duchy of Newhope was reclaimed by the wilderness and local populations.

Now a convergence of sorts has occurred: the young dukes and duchesses having reached their late teens have become of ruling age, and the citizens remaining in Newhope have asked the king for help in dealing with a threatening tribe of orcs.

Now, the young leaders return to their ancestral duchy to restore order and reestablish the council of dukes. Looming ever in the background, both figuratively and literally is the Worldpeak mountain and the mystery of their parent’s demise.

Heirs to the Throne is a legacy kingdom building campaign set in a homebrew D&D world. Players will play a central character of royal descent (or adjacent) and guide that character over a 60+ year campaign as they both go on direct adventures and make strategic decisions on how to rebuild and rule their duchy. Players will take their characters from levels 1-20 (sometimes skipping a few levels here and there) across 10 sessions of gameplay spanning 36+ hours during the 4 day D&D in a Castle event.


Hardcore Mode will Take Place at These Upcoming Events


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